
42 ATHLETICS. or five yards apart,with the ropetightly stretched;it always creates confusion anddelay if the barriers giveway. The outer corners ought to be widened, and if the first is squared, sothat the scratch man starts in a straight line in place of round a bend (from the scratch and winning mark), itis a great improvement. This plan is successfully carried out at the famous North of Ireland Cricket Club Grounds, Ormeau, Belfast. It also gives more room for cyclists finishing; and, although requiring a lot of extra space, it is worth adopting, more particularly when the course issquarer withmerely roundedends. Another good innovation is to carry theboundary rope back a little to the winning post; this is done by gradually widening the finishing straight—on the outer side, of course—say, for the last fiftyor sixty yards, making itthree feetwider atthe finish than at fifty yards from home, not only giving the public a better view, but allowing a wider finishing place. At each side behind the winning posts small sacred" enclosures must berailed off for the judges and timetaker (see Plan A); the one on the outside may measure about four feet square, andthe innerabout four or five feet wide by seven or eight feet deep. This prevents these officials being hampered by excited partisans, andunder nopretext must any one be allowed within these "pens " exceptthe officials named; they are indeed forbidden ground to all others. It will add greatly to the convenience of cyclists ifa double rope barrier be erected in the enclosure, about 30 ft. long, the lower rope28 or 30 in., and the upper 40to 45 in. high, against which cycles may be leant; this prevents them being sprawled about thegrass. There are many little ideas like this which will suggest themselves to a smart hon.sec. If a little "confessional" book be carried, and as soon as