MANAGEMENT OF MEETINGS. 45 "weapon "are indispensable. A novice at^the business will be played all kinds of pranks with by tricky competitors, the handicaps upset, and scratch races spoiled. An efficient starter must be engaged, and one that will not only get the men off fairly, but carry out the A.A.A, laws, which are very strict on the point. Law 19. " If any one competitor overstep his mark before the pistol has been fired, the starter s/ia/l put himback one yard for distances up to 220 yards, two yards up to 440 yards, three yards up to 8S0 yards, and five yards up to i mile. These penalties to be doubled for a second offence, and disqualification to follow a repetition of the sameoffence. A proper pistol, with a loud report, nota miserable snap- cap or blank-cartridge revolver, must be used. Again the A.A.A. speaksto the point— "A start shall only be made to the actual report of the pistol," Two good old-fashioned pistols ought to be provided, and a starter's steward who is not afraid of noise or work, to load and prepare the pistols. The most proficient amateui starters inLondon to secure are— C. L. Lockton, L.A.C. andCivil Service A.C.,House ofCommons. J. H. A. Reay, L.A.C. and Civil Service A.C., Wallington, Surrey. H. J. Rothery, Highgate Harriers, 71, WendoverRoad, Harlesden, N.W. Or a thoroughly capableprofessional, suchas JackWhite or Fred Jenny,whose addresses will be found elsewhere. Competitors' Numbers.—As a rule these are on flimsy paper, and not one athlete in a hundred takes thetrouble tofasten it on properly, the result being that itdoubles upand can not be read. A smart sporting paper. Paddock Life, has recently suggested a new plan, which we illustrate (p. 4^) by a block lent for the purpose. The numbers are clearly printed on oil-baize or American cloth discs, having a piece of elastic atthe back; they fit on the arm (see illustration), are
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