
48 ATHLETICS. half round in each direction, sothat itcan be seen from all parts ofthe ground. This alsorelieves thelarge board, and permits the result numbers to remain up longer—until cleared for the next event, infact. If only one board isused, the results have to be so hurriedly removed, that the bulk of the spectators have not time to seeor record them. First, second, andthird, even in heats, should always be shown. The number plates ought, of course, to be of tin, with a hole punched at the top, and smaller figures provided for the minutes and seconds, with fractions painted half size, thus, f, f; also, in case an old-fashioned "quarter- second " watch be in use, f. This saves chalk marks and erasures, which at most meetings make the board almost undecipherable. There must be a sharp " telegraph steward," and a couple of still sharper attendants to work the boards. CompetitorJ Dressing Tent. —Thisought tobe roomy and well ventilated, with plenty of chairs, benches, and a table in the centre; two or three hip or sponge baths (easily borrowed); and sponges, towels, washing accommodation, drinking water, and a small annexe for urinal, etc.; the annexe ought to be fitted with an earth-closet, screened off from the rest of the tent. At the expense of a few shillings, a light frame may be run up close to the "walls," with nails or hooks for clothes; this rarely thought-of boon will be much appreciated. The tent ought to be within easy distance of the track, and railed off, to enable competitors to pass to and from the course without having to force their way through thespectators or climb over the boundary ropes. There ought also to be a responsible attendant in the tent to take charge of valuables and generally lookafter things, andsome onein the small tent (seeplan on page 37) to give competitors their numbers, supply information,etc.