An Autobiography of an Ancient Athlete & Antiquarian
II8 AUTOBIOGRAPHY On 2rst September, I declined to stand as Conservative Candidate for Thorpe Ward, and on the 24th had a narrow escape on the G.E.R., through a breakdown at Tivetshall, which delayed us three hour ·. On the 27th I took over my old trike to Marsh at Cawston, but I don't think he ever used it, though he thought it would suit him. On the 28th I gave evidence at Norwich (at request of T. C. Blofeld) as to necessity of a full licence at Wayford Brido-e. Blofeld and the Superintendent of Police (though using mv evidence) stuck out that I was wrong in sayiug that Ludham" Swan'' was less than a quarter of a mile from Wayford Bridge which they said was three quarters of a mile, so next day I measured it, and found it was a few yards under the quarter. It strnck me as strange that the Magistrates never administered an oath to me at all ! On the 2nd Dawson Paul, the Mayor, gave a very excellent dinner at his private hous~, one of the few good private dinners I can remember. On the 3rd I handed over to the city the original bond as to safe cu~tody of the gilt ewer and dish given to the city by Archbishop Tenison. On the 24th I rode over to Acle with a double white lilac from a very fine plant of mine. Later I went to Brighton to see frs. Willett as to the re toration of Wymondham Church. On the rst ovember I had a good 40 mile ride to Carlton Rode, Wymondham, &c., coming home in bright moonlight. In November my old running friend "Little" Dicker (cousin of the great sculler), of the T.H.H., who was acting with Arthur Roberts in "H.M.S. Irresponsible," came to lunch. During November we were troubled with very high gales, and for some nights none of us could get any sleep. On 28th November I lectured (for the first time with H. Brittain's help) at Hemblington, for the benefit of Godfrey Weston's Church restoration, on "Norfolk in the Olden Times," which went well, at least in a pecuniary sense. On December 4th I attended my first meeting at the Castle Museum, having been co-opted a member of the Committee. (This I resigned in 1914 as soon as Mr. Hotblack was made a member of it). I repeated my
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