An Autobiography of an Ancient Athlete & Antiquarian
AUTOBIOGRAPHY 1 33 Castle, Harmer's factory, St. Andrew's, and a host of other City eyesores. I wrote an article on the First and Last Mayors of Norwich for a local paper, which I only mention as an example of a direct interposition of Providence, which led me to insist on seeing a proof, where I found I was made to refer to the '· voracity" of the then preseut Mayoress instead of her "vivacity " 1 About the 7th of March, the son of a former Hon. Sec. of the N. & N.A.S. died, and being very friendly with both him and his wife, I was happily the means of returning two interesting ''borrowed" brasses, the one to St. Stephen's, Norwich, and the other to Buckenbam. Two others I have been unable to return as I can't identify those to whom, and by whom erected, but they are preserved and ready to be handed over on receipt of the necessary identification. They are to an undated Orate to Walter Spicer, and (2) James Wilde, died 5th August, 1654, aged 3 years 3 weeks. I was unsuccessful in locating them. and they are now at the Castle Museum waiting for the rightful claimauts. On the 9th of March I lectured on "Merry England '' at the Prince's Hall and ou 17th, returned a brass which belonged to St. Stephen's to the Rector. Owiug to the inclement weather I never got any cycling this year till the 27th March. At Easter R.H. and my nephew F. D' Alton Rye came down with my daughters to Lammas. On the I 2th I lectured on Sport aud Play on Norfolk Rivers to the Y.M.C.A., and on 14th I went to the opening of the Lynn Museum, and in the evening lectured at the Stanley Library, I forget on what subject. On the 21st hy arrangement ·with the Rev. G. H. Herbert of St. Johu's Sepulchre (recently and erroneously called by him and others St. J obn de Sepulchre, aud with whom I bad had a long paper warfare about the impropriety of his having added pinnacles to his tower), I repeated my lecture on "Taste and Want of Taste" at the Strangers' Hall 011 the understanding that be should have the right of reply. This novel conflict was very well attended, indeed the novelty attracting many, and I must leave the verdict with the audience. I elicited from him an admission that the pinnacle idea was his own. Mr. Herbert is a thoroughly bard workiug aud conscientious excellent parish priest,
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