An Autobiography of an Ancient Athlete & Antiquarian

1 34 AUTOBIOGRAPHY but an equally tl10roughly wrong-minded man as was evidenced the other day, by bis declining to dowse bis lights during the Zeppelin scare at orwich. May was extremely fine, and I had some good rides to Loddon and back, and another round Acle, in all about 35 rniles, and yet another with R.H. by Horning Ferry going over to Woodbastick Marshes, where the orchis, bog bean, and wet fern were splendid, having bought au old and to we valueless copy of the Charter to Boston (England) I was lucky enough to sell it to some one who wanted it for Boston (U.S.A.) for a good profit. Middle of May I had a good 35 mile ride round Acle. At the end of May D.M.R. arrived, and we drove over to Sall Church (which was said to have been sadly mes::,ed about by the new squire, Mr. Timothy White) at the request of the rector, the Rev. F. Lillingston, vvhose death soon after, before he had time seriously to begin writing the history of bis parish which be bad coutemplate<l, I sincerely regretted, for he was a very able, and qniet man. In the present instance, however, I could not honestly object to much of what had been done, for it seemed to me it was absolutely necessary, as was shown by the very rotten state of many of the beam$. T. White's extraordinary conduct of removing all the memorial stones in the cbu rch– yard, and ubstitnting little brass tablets of initials without even applying for a faculty (which would not of course have been granted) could not be excused for a minute. How– ever, after his death bis sou Woolmer White (High Sherifl of 1914-5) bas made very handsome amends for bis father's misdeeds, for be bas restored the beautiful Church extremely well at an immen ·e expense, and with every regard to all architectural proptieties. When I first saw Sall and Cawston Churches in the utter state of decay and disrepair in which they were in 1870, I never even hoped that such splendid work would ever be done to them as has receu tly been done. The mouth ended for me with a long ride to Inglrnm, Horsey, &c. The fair was on at the former place, Lnt I was not lucky enough to secure one of the celebrated penny china cows, or to sell it afterwards for 15s. as someone else did ! Another good work I witnessed was the opening of the People's Park, down the Derebam Road, by the liberal