An Autobiography of an Ancient Athlete & Antiquarian

AUTOBIOGRAPHY of fact by importuning everybody I nearly doubled his figures (£3,rr9 13s. 7d. as against his £1,652 14s. 7d.), but as I said in my report, I conld take little credit for this, for I was an unoccupied man, and could give far more time to working up the fund than my predecessors, who had their own businesses to occupy them. The unemployed business put me in touch with two absolutely earnest and good men. It would distress both of them if I were to give their names, so I ·will not do so, the more especially as several others will be gratified in thinking that I mean them (which I don't). The Christmas fatted swan was eaten at Lammas by the Librarian, Munnings, and others, 22 sitting down. During this year I only printed five things, all cata– logues, viz. (1) of the Topographical and Antiquarian portions of the Public Library; (2) of the maps in print (in conjunction with H. Britt::dn, who had made himself the local expert on the subject) ; (3) of the local bio– graphies; (4) of the local pottraits; and (5) of the Corpora– tion documents. On the 7th to 9th January, 1909, was the" Historical Tableaux'' by Mr. W. Nugent Monck, held at St. Andrew's Hall, for the benefit of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Rider Haggard, Barrett Lennard, and other good local men helped in it. I was unable, being ill, to attend myself. The Norwich Council was able to get back to the old Guildhall after its renovation on the 19th January, and I got away in time to lecture for Pollard at Wymondham, and the next day lectured twice at Buxton, once to the boys in the Red House and once at the Village School. Ou Sunday 24th I had to go in State to the Cathedral to attend on the Judge of Assize ('' Long Lawrence"), and in the afternoon with the Sheriff (A. G. Hovvlett) to a most melancholy '' Pleasant Sunday Afternoon " at Chapel Field to gather in a collection for the Unemployed. Monday the Assizes were opened, and I had to do duty at the Shirehall waiting on the Judge. Another "duty" day was attend– ing the Memorial Service at the Cathedral for the late Earl of Leicester. Mrs. Burton Fanning's theatricals at the Thatched House for the U nernployed Fund were 011 the 4th to 6th Februa ry, but her very excellent acting was not as well