An Autobiography of an Ancient Athlete & Antiquarian
AUTOBIOGRAPHY " haye been summoned for illegal :fishiug before magis~i:ates and " been put to great and unnecessary expense in defending " themselves from such prosecutions, as in the recent case of "Rockland Broad, or by being made defendants in the High " Court of Justice, as in the case of Hickling Broad. " That it is desirable that such prosecution should not in "future be commenced without the written sanction of the " Attorney-General and until he is satisfied that there is prima " facio evidence of the existence of a free or several fish~ry. "Your .Petitioners therefore humbly pray '' That a Royal Commission with power to call and examine " witnesses on oath may be sent to Norwich to enquire- " (r) What evidence there is of the existence of any free or " several fisheries on the Rivers Yare, otherwise Wensum, the " Waveney river, otherwise the Beccles river, the Bure, otherwise "the North river, and its tributaries, the Thurne and the Ant, '' or on any broad connected with any such rivers by open water " from their mouths to the first lock on each of them respec– " tively. " (2) When such free or several fisheries were first claimed "and enforced or attempted to be enforced by judical proceed– " iugs or otherwise. •· (3) Up to what points on such rivers or broads is there a '' regular fl.ow and reflow of the tide under ordinary conditions, " and when the water is not held back by high winds or " otherwise. " (4) What blockings or chainings up of river ways have " taken place duri~g living memory. " (5) That in the event of such Commissioners fiuding that " there is no prima facie evidence of the existence of any fishery " claimed on any of the said rivers or broads, such rivers or " broads shall be declared to be free and open, and any chains "or other impediments be removed. " (6) That if, on the other hand, he shall find there is any "suchp1i1nafacie evidence, an issue shall be directed to be tried " to decide on the justice of the claims, and if it is decided in " favour of the riparian owner it shall be submitted to arbitra– " tion to assess what compensation shall be paid to the owner " for its extinction, and the throwing op~u of the water in " question· to the public, and by whom such compensation shall '' be paid. " (7) That in either event the declaration of the public right " or the throwing open by purchase shall be subject to regula– " tions to be approved by the Commissioners, which shall' "include- " (a) The prevention of all shooting and bird uesting or " taking of eggs .of any bird on such rivers and broads, and " the prevention of the carrying of any firearm or air-gun " thereon by othei:s than tb,e adjoining owners. " (b) The protection of all bird aud animal life other " than as allowed by the last paragraph, and other thau the
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