An Autobiography of an Ancient Athlete & Antiquarian

AUTOBIOGRAPHY 1 73 At the Thurning Meeting I was out of sorts, and never shot worse, and had to walk back carrying impedi– menta to Foulsham, where I was very tired indeed. The 1st July was bitterly cold, the coldest "summer" day I ever remember. Still unwell, I shot badly at the Smallburgh Meeting, 33 and 75 or 107, but the Saturday after in practice did 35 for 135 at 60 only. At the Nar– borough Meeting I shot better, doing 28 and 104 or 132, and got on 13 out of my last 15 arrows. On the 14th July I officially opened the new Sewage Works at Trowse, and received a silver trowel for so doing, the only emolument I ever received during my year of office. I remember that the City Engineer publicly declined to accede to my suggestion that he should drink a tumbler of what he styled the "beautifully clear effiuent water." The next day I attended with the Sheriff the Police Swimming Entertainment at the Swan Baths, which was most amusing, especially an unpremeditated effort caused by an official who forgot he was clothed, though not in his right mind, stepping off the raft. I had not hitherto attended the Quarter Sessions as the Deputy Recorder had taken on himself in previous years to take precedence of the Mayor in bis own Court, but on this being definitely arranged through the Town Clerk (who was as keen as I to set matters right) I did so formally on the 16th July, preceding him into Court, as a precedent. At Smallburgb on the 19th I shot fairly well with T\ at 80 and --?o\ at 60 in all 124. At our annual Lammas meeting 27th July, I shot as well as I had done, viz., 45 and 119, making 164 for the two ranges, and on the Saturday after did 30 for 146 at 60 yards only. In practice on the 2nd August I was very consistent, doing 33 for 151, and next day 38 for 158, including a 54 dozen, which dozen I repeated two days after, and on the 8th August 35 for 152, and 30 for 152 at 60 again. On 9th August I went over to Sewell's at Buxton, and tried the little rifle range he had made in his grounds. Later on, when the war began, be went to the expense of another excellent and more convenient range. As far as I was concerned I needn't have gone to the East Bilney Meeting. N