An Autobiography of an Ancient Athlete & Antiquarian
AUTOBIOGRAPHY -evidence (whether he knew of it or not I can't say) which seems to support it. My ride back was one of the wettest and darkest I ever had, for it was pitch dark, and as I . ( -covered 26 miles after lunch I began to think I was pulling round again, and not booked for death just yet. At the request of the Public Library Committee I went up the next week to I➔ondon and attended the sale of Dr. Jessopp's MSS., &c., at Sotheby's, to bid on their behalf for several lots. Some of these, however, we · bad to return afterwards to the rightful owners, as his memory as to borrowed MSS. was very bad. While in London I also looked at the British Museum Map collection, and found it was hopelessly inferior as to Norfolk maps to that in our own Norwich Public Library. I went to Acle by train to stay with Dr. Back, and the next day drove -over with him to Upton to see the plans of the proposed restoration by the Rev. W. D. Boycott, of the Norman tower of his Church. I knew Upton fairly well already, for some years before I had written an introduction, etc., to the Rev. Oakley Hill's history of this parish. On Saturday Dr. Back came back with me to Lammas, and I showed him round Oxnead. On the 18th I went with Prince F. Duleep Singh to see the proposed restoration of Overstrand Church, to which he personally was very averse, but I think he was talked round after lunch at Lady Battersea's; anyhow the subsequent restoration was a great success, much helped by the late Sir Samuel Hoare. On the 30th, as our new Librarian was desirous of mak– ing the Public Library more attractive, I presented seven of my best MSS., including Friar Brackley's Armory, Le Neve's illustrated Pedigree Collection, the early "Pirate" Map, &c., for which the Committee provided a show case. H.G.R. and his wife came down for Christmas, our reduced ranks causing us to ·substitute a turkey for the -accustomed swan. On the 31st I cycled over to T.B.L's at Horsford to 1unch, but the roads were very bad, and I was thoroughly leg weary when I got home. · During the year I took 47 long rides, but did not do anything at all noteworthy at archery. The only work I published this year was part of my "' Norfolk Families," which gave me immense trouble.
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