An Autobiography of an Ancient Athlete & Antiquarian

AUTOBIOGRAPHY 213 Mr. Tomes and bis daughter came over on the 6th September to photograph the Martin MSS., in view of his forthcoming history of Mannington. I was much struck at the way she began to tame a robin. The ''charming" power seems to be innate, and if she persevered I fancy she wonld prove as clever a bird charmer as Captain Mack (p. 161). Next evening we heard explosions, which turned out to be the Zeppelin raid at East Dereham, where the inhabi– tants had gone out of their way to "ask for it" by having a quasi-fair in the Market Place, a concert at the Town Hall, and a party at a country house hard by. Having been told by apparently veracious people that my old pargetted cottages there (" Bonner's Cottages) had been blown to pieces, I went over to find they bad not been touched, though Mr. Barton's house almost opposite had suffered greatly. On the 26th I heard that Gilly had been wounded in France. D.M.R. came down and he and Sexton began putting up some old panels and doors to exclude the draught from the stone hall. After D.M.R. bad left we had a visit from a Zeppelin, which dropped nine bombs in Lammas, Hautbois, and Coltishall, the noise sounding just as though it were in our archery ground. I was much struck with the presence of mind of Sexton, who wrapped bis children up in blankets, shoved them into our old single brougham, and ran the lot down into a little pool behind his cottage, though with what intent it would be difficult to say! Tbe continual flights of the Zeppelins over our neighbourhood convinced me that the Germans had some one showing them lights in the district, but I could not get the authorities to take active measures to detect liim, and it is no use now going into the question as the suspect bas left the neighbourhood. Nothing of any consequence happened during Octoher and November. On the uth October I was very unwell indeed and tired, being deadly cold. Gilly came down for the day, and met Kitty and me at Thorpe Station. We lunched at the" Maid's Head," but he bad to go back by the afternoon train. On the 17th December I had my last cycle ride, and that was only to · Buxton Post Office. A.L.R. and Mabel came down 10th and uth December, and he and I discussed my will.