An Autobiography of an Ancient Athlete & Antiquarian

;220 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF WALTER RYE ALL OF WHICH ARE IN THE LOCAL COLLECTION OF THE NORWICH PUBLIC LIBRARY. _1866 What are the legal and advisable ornaments of the Church of England? pp. 24. London: Riviugtou. 1870 Au Account of the churches of St. Peter of Shipden and of St. Peter and Paul of Cromer in the county of Norfolk. pp. 59, xv. 8¼ x 5½. Norwich: Samuel Miller. I 873 The Norfolk Antiquarian Miscellany; edited by Walter Rye. Vols. 1-3, and new series, parts 1-3. Norwich. 1873-1908. Contains 37 articles by the Editor, which are enumerated in his ''Calendar of Norwich Deeds Enrolled," 1910, p. 161. Part 1 of vol. I was issued in 1873, but the first volume is dated 1877. Collections for a history of the family of Cubitt of Norfolk. pp. 52. 8½ x 5}. Norwich: Samuel Miller and Co. Reprinted from" The Norfolk Antiquarian Miscellany." J875 The Journal of Thomas Isham, of Lamport, in the county of Northampton, from 1st Nov., 1671, to 3otli Sept., 1673, written by him when a boy, in Latin, by command of his father, Sir Justinian Isham ; transl. by the Rev. Robert Isham; with an introduction, 11otes, and index by Walter Rye. pp. 127. 8¾ x 5~. Privately printed. Norwich: printed by Miller and Leavins. ;r876 An Account of the family of Rye. pp. ro8. n¼ x 8¾. Privately printed. Loudon: Mitchell ancl HuglJes. 'I.877 Sir JolJn Bennett and tlie ward of Cheap. pp. r9. Privately priuted. 1879 Tourist's guide to the county of Norfolk; with some prelimin– ary remarks as to its natives, tlieir names, superstitions, and peculiarities. pp. [v.] 128. Map. 6½ x 4. London: Edward Stanford. 2nd edition, 1880; 3rd edition, 1885 ; 4th edition, 1889; 5th edition, 1892. J881 An Index to Norfolk topography. pp. xxx., 416. 8½ x 6-§-. London: published for t l"! Index Society by Lougmans, Green & Co. Some notes on the deeds relating to the parish and other charities of Wandsworth, in the c<;>unty of Surrey. pp. 48. 8f x Si- Privately printed. [Hert~ord: Stephen Austin and Sous]. Pedes :fi11inm; or, fines relaU11g to the county of Norfolk, levied in the King's Court from the third year of Richard I. to the end of the reign of John; edited by Walter Rye. pp. xx., r54. 8} x 5}. (Norfolk and Norwich Archreo– logical Society). Norwich: priutecl by A.H. Goose & Co.