An Autobiography of an Ancient Athlete & Antiquarian

222 1888 :1.890 1891 Bibliography of the Works of Walter Rye. The Persecutions of the Jews in Euglaud. In "Papers read at the Auglo-Jewish Historical Exhi!Jitiou, Royal Albert Hall, Loudon, 1887." pp. 136-169. Lon<lou: "Jewish Chronicle." Calen<lar of the freemen of Norwich, from 13r7 to 1603 (Edward II to Elizabeth inclusive). By John L'Estrange, and edite<l by Walter Rye. pp. x., 155. 9½ x 6. London: Elliot Stock. The Parish register of Bircham Newton, from 1562 to 1743: edited by Richard Howlett. pp. xiii., 53. 8½ x s½. Norwich: Agas H. Goose. SO copies printed for subscribers, and issued by Walter Rye, who found the manuscript. Records an<l record searching: a guide to the genealogist and topographer. pp. ii., 204. 8! x st- London: Elliot stock; Norwich: A. H. Goose and Co. Carrow Ahbey, otherwise Carrow Priory, near Norwich, in the county of Norfolk: its foundation, buil<liugs, officers and inmates; with appen<lices. pp. v., 52, lxi. nt x 8¾. Norwich: [90 copies] printed by Agas H. Goose. A Catalogue of fifty of the Norfolk manuscripts in the library of Walter Rye at Winchester House, Putney. pp. 34. 14 plates. rs x IO. [Norwich: Agas H. Goose]. SO copies printed. Cromer, past and present; or, an attempt to describe the parishes of Shipden and Cromer, an<l to narrate their liis– tory. pp. 16r, cxix. Illus., map. 15½ x 13. Norwich and London: pritle<l for the benefit of the funds for restora– tion of Cromer Church, by Jarrohl an<l Sous. The Unpublished material for a history of the county of Norfolk: reprinted from the Archreological Journal, vol. 47. pp. 7. 9 x 6. 11. p., n.d. The Maid's Head Hotel, Wensum Street, Norwich. pp. 28, [4]. Illus. 8 x 6¾. n.p., u.d. [Norwich: Agas H. Goose. 1890]. The Visitacion of Norffolk, made and taken byWilliam Hervey, Clarencieux King of Arms, Auno 1563, enlarged with another visitacion ruade by Clarenceux Cooke, with many other descents; and also tbe vissitatiou made by John Raven, Richmond, Anno 1613; edite<l by Walter Rye. (Harleiau Society's publications, vol. 32). pp. [r], 375. ro½ x 7. London. / Pedes finium; or, fines relating to the county of Cambridge levied in the King's Court from the seventh year of Richard I. to the end of the reign of Richard III. ; edited by Walter Rye . pp. vii., 196. 8½ x 5½. Cambridge: Printed for the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. The Monumental inscriptious in the hundred of Tunstead, in the county of Norfolk; collected by Walter Rye. pp. 190. Sf x St· Norwich: printed by Agas Goose. Tlie Rights of :fishing, shooting, and sailing on the Norfolk Broads. pp . II3., iv. lJIIap. 7¼ x 5. London: Jarrold and Sons. n.d.