An Autobiography of an Ancient Athlete & Antiquarian

Bibliography of the Works of Walter Rye. 223 1892 Norfolk records, vol. 2: bei11g an index to four series of Norfolk inquisitions, the Tower series, the Chancery or Rolls series, tlle Exchequer series, tlle Wards aud Liveries or Court of Wards series, preserved in the Public Record Office, London. pp. iv., 146. 8¾ x 5½, Norwich: printed for the 4 orfolk and Norwich Archceological Society by Agas H. Goose. Monumental inscriptions in the Marshland churches, Norfolk. pp. I8. Map. 8½ x 5½. 11.p., n.d. Notes by "Honest Tom Martin," forming part of the Norris collection in Walter Rye's library: with introduction. [Hickling Broad case]. Brief for the defendant, between H. S. N. Micklethwait and W. E. Eyre, plaintiffs, and Robert Vincent, defendant. pp. 43. 16½ x 13¼. n.p. 1893 The Hickling Broad case, Micklethwait v. Vincent: the ju<lgmeut of the Court of Appeal, cousidered by Walter Rye. pp. 39. 7¼ x 5. Norwicb : printed by Agas H. Goose. 1895 Calendar of correspondence and documents relating to the family of Oliver Le Neve, of Witchingham, Norfolk, 1675- 1743; by the late Francis Rye, cowpleterl hy his widow, Mrs. Amy Rye; e<liled, with au intro. by Walter Rye. pp. xxi., 222. 9¾ x 6¼. Norwich: Agas H. Goose. Coke of Holkllam. In "Journal of tbe Royal Agricultural Society of England," third ser., vol. 6, 1895, pp. 1-14. Port. A Glossary of words used in East Anglia, founded on that of Forby; with numerous corrections and additions. pp. xii., 252. 8¾ x st. London: published for the English Dialect Society by Henry Frowde. 1896 An In<lex to Norfolk pedigrees. pp. ii., 138. Index to Norfolk topography: supplementary to the volume published by the Index Society in 188r. pp. 417-513. 8½ x 6¾, Norwich: Agas H. Goose. JOO copies printed. 1897 Son gs, stories, and sayings of Norfolk . pp. 160. 7¼ x 4¼– Norwich; Agas H. Goose. Has appendices on "Chaucer's connection with Lynn and Norfolk," and "A bibliography of the Broads." 1898 An Account of the church and parisll of Cawstou, in the county of Norfolk. pp. [vi.], 96. Illus., map. rot x 7½– Norwicb: Agas H. Goose. 100 copies, privately printed. 1899 An Iudex rerum to Norfolk antiquities. pp. [iv.], 104. 8½ x 7. Published for subscribers. Norwich: Agas H . Goose. 1900 A Calendar of the feet of fines for Suffolk. pp. xvi., 393. 8½ x s½- Ipswich : printed for the Suffolk Institute of Arch– ceology and Natural History, by W. E. Harrison. 1902 The First register book of the parish of Old Buckenham in orfolk, 1560 to 1649; transcribed, edited aud indexed by Walter Rye. pp. iii., 83. 8½ x 5½- orwich: Agas H. Goose.