An Autobiography of an Ancient Athlete & Antiquarian
224 Bibliography of the Works of Walter Rye. 1902 Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076, London. 1902 summer outing, 3rd to 6th July. Norwich and the Broads: itinerary. pp. r6. Illtts. n ¼ x 8. n.p., n.d. Catalogue of the Art Loan Exhibition in aid of the funds of St. George's Club for Working Girls, in St. Andrew's Hall, Norwich, April 8th to 26th, 19u2. [Compiled by Walter Rye]. pp. 99. 7 x 4¾• Norwich: Agas H. Goose. 1903 The Norwich rate book, from Easter, 1633, to Easter, 1634; edited by Walter Rye. pp. 94. 7¼ x 4f . London: J arrold and Sons. A Short calendar of the deeds relating to Norwich enrolled in the Court Rolls of that City; 1285-1306; edited by Walter Rye. pp. xvii., 136. 8½ x 5½- Norwich: printed for the Norfolk and Norwich Archreological Society by Agas H. Goose. 1904 The" Land Buyers' Society." pp. 3. n f x 9. n.p., n.d. Reprinted from" Norfolk Archreology," vol. xv. "Old and present Iifo in Cringleford ": a lecture delivered at the schoolroom, Cringleford, on Thursday, February 4th, 1904. pp. 8. 7¼ X 4f• Reprinted from the" Eastern Daily Press," February 5th, 1904. Taste and want of taste in Norwich: a lecture. pp. 34. Illus. 8½ x 5½. Norwich: Gibbs and Waller. 1905 Depositions taken before the Mayor and Aldermen of Norwich, 1549-I567. Extracts from the Court Books of the City of Norwich, 1666-1688; edited by Walter Rye. pp. 205. 9 x Sf· Norwich: printed for the Norfolk and Norwich Archreological Society by Agas H. Goose. The First register book of the parish of Lammas and Little Hautbois, in the county of Norfolk, with some notes from later registers; transcribed and published by Walter Rye. pp. iii., 75. 8! x 5½. Norwich: Gibbs and Waller. 1906 The History of the Bethel Hospital at Norwich, built by Mrs. Mary Chapman in the year 1713; commenced by the late Sir Frederic Bateman, and completed by Walter Rye. pp. vii., 251. Ill1ts., map. 10½ x 7½• Norwich: Gibbs and Waller. 1908 The Recent Norwich election and its lessons: reprinted from the Norfolk Review, March, 1906. pp. 16. 7¼ x 4¾• Norwich: Norfolk News Co. n.d. State papers relating to musters, beacons, shipmoney, &c., in Norfolk, from 1626, chiefly to the beginning of the Civil War; edited from a MS. in his library, by Walter Rye, with a preface by C. H. Firth. pp. xii., 248. 8g x 5{. Norwich: printed for the Norfolk and Norwich Arcbreo– logical Society by Goose and Son. A Catalogue of the topographical and antiquarian portions of the Free Library at Norwich. pp. 81. 8¼ x 5½. Norwich: Gibbs and Waller.
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