An Autobiography of an Ancient Athlete & Antiquarian
Bibliography 0£ the Works of Walter Rye. 225 1908 A Short list of works relating to the biographies of Norfolk men and women, preserved in the Free Library, at Norwich. pp. 34. 8½ x st. Norwich: Edward Burgess and Sons, Ltd. A Catalogue of the portraits referring to Norfolk aud Norwich men, or to those otherwise connected with the county and city, preserved iu the Free Library at Norwich. pp. 33. 8J x st. Norwich : Gibbs and Waller. A Calendar of the documents relating to the Corporation of Norwich, preserved in the Free Library there. pp. 22. 8¼ x st. Norwich: Gibbs and Waller. 1909 Norwich Castle Museum: catalogue of antiquities found principally in East Anglia; compiled by Frank Leney, from the Curator's records aud other sources; edited by Walter Rye. pp. x., 152. 8½ x s½- Norwich: printed by order of the Committee, _by Gibbs and Waller. The Mayor of Norwich's unemployed fuud, 1908-9: report and balance sheet to June 9th, 1909. pp. 11. 8½ x s½- 11.p., n.d. 1910 Calendar of Norwich deeds enrolled, etc., etc. pp. v., u6. 13 X 8. n.p. 19II Norfolk families. pp. v., 1,108. 8g x 5½. Norwich: Goose and Sou. rgn-13. Issued in five parts, 1911-13, and published as a volume in 1913. 1914 [Norfolk miniature rifle clubs]. pp. 6. 13 x 8½. n.p. Letter regarding local miniature rifle clubs, extract from a lecture by the author on "Old and new weapons of war," and a list of sub– scribers towards a rifle range. 1915 A Calendar of Norwich deeds enrolled in the Court Rolls of that City, 1307-1341; edited by Walter Rye. pp. xvii., 248. 8¾ x 5½. Norwich: printed for the Norfolk and Norwich Archa:!ological Society by Goose aud Son. Index to the Red Book of Lynn. pp. 16. 16 x gf. n.p., n.d. 20 duplicated copies made. Index nominum : being an iudex of Christian names and sur– names mentioned in Walter Rye's Norfolk Families. Compiled by Charles Nowell; [edited by Walter Rye]. pp. iii., n5. 8¾ x st. Norwich: Roberts & Co. Chaucer, a Norfolk man. pp. 104. 8¾ x st. Norwich: Roberts & Co. 1916 Chaucer, a Norfolk mau: appendix iii., pedigree A, pedigree B. pp. 105-124. 8~ x s½, Norwich: Roberts & Co. The Possible East Anglian descent of the poet Spenser. pp. 8. 8½ x s½- n.p., n.d. Reprinted from "Norfolk Archreology," vol. 19, 1916, pp. 175-182. Norfolk Hand Lists. First Series:- No. I. Scandinavian names in Norfolk. mote hills in Norfolk. pp. 23. Roberts & Co. Hundred courts and 8½ x s½- Norwich :
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