British Manly Exercises

PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. EXTENT AND UTILITY OF EXERCISES. EDUCATION may be divided into two parts, physical and mental. Of the former, Exercises or Gymnastics arethe most extensive and the earliest portion. THEIR PURPOSE is to subject to systematic guidance and strengthen the muscular system, and to teach the means of employing it most advantageously, in every useful exercise. THEIR EXTENT may be seen by an enumeration of their objects, which are-Walking, Running, Leaping, Vaulting, Balancing, Climbing, and Wrestling. To these,some haveproperlyadded Skating andSwimming. And, in a courseof British Exercises, we think Rowing, Sailing, Riding, and Driving, would be veryimproperry omitted. Ihe expediencyof THEIR EARLYACQUISITION is ren­ deredevident by thefirsttendencyof youth being toward them, by the rapidprogress it makes in them, and by