British Manly Exercises
2 PECULIARITIES OF the delight it derives from them, at a period whenit is incapable, with real or solid advantage,of higheracquire ments. THEIR GENERALUTILITY will be questioned only by those who arenot aware, that the health and vigour of all the bodily organs depend on the proportionedexercise of each. Exercises ensure, in particular,the development of all the locomotive organs; and they prevent or correct all the deformitiesto which these organsare liable. They arebest calculated to produce strength and activity, and to bestow invariable health. They, at the same time, confer beauty of form; and they contribute to impart an elegant airand graceful manners. They, moreover, inspire confidence in difficult situa tions, and suggest resourcesin danger. Their consequent influence on themoral conduct of man is such, that,by a couragewhich is well founded, because it springs from a perfect knowledge of his own powers, he is often en abled to render the most importantservices to others. PECULIARITIES OFTHE PRESENT SYSTEM. We owe it not less to the reader than to ourselves, to point out the peculiarities of the system of Exercises which is herepresented to him. These are as follows : 1st. Rowing and Sailing are, for the first time, de scribed; and Riding and Driving are,for the first time added to a work of this kind.
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