British Manly Exercises

280 TRAINING. The effect hasaccordingly corresponded with the cause assigned in this view of the subject, in every instance, where training hasbeen adopted ; and, although it is not commonly resortedto as the means of restoring invalids to health, thereis every reason to believe, that it would prove effectual in curing many obsdnate diseases, such as bilious complaints, obesity, gout, rheumatism, &c. The ancients entertained this opinion.—They were, says a popular writer on medicine, by no means unac­ quainted with,or inattentive to these instruments ofme­ dicine, although modern practitionersappear tohave no idea of removing disease, or restoring health, but by pour­ ing drugs intothe stomach.—Herodicus is said to have been the first who applied the exercises and regimen of the gymnasium tothe removal ofdisease, or the mainte­ nance of health. Among the Romans, Asclepiades carried this so far, that he is said, by Celsus, almost to have banished the use of internal remedies from his practice. He was the inventor of various modes of exercise and gestation, inRome.—In his own person, he afforded an excellent example of the wisdom of his rules, and the propriety of his regimen. Pliny tells us that, in early life, he made a public profession, that he would agree to forfeit all pretensions to the name of a physician, should he ever suffer from sickness, ordie but of old age; and, what is more extraordinary, he fulfilled his promise, for he lived upwards of a century, andat last was killed by a fall downstairs. As to the locomotive system, modern experience suffi­ ciently proves that exercise is the most powerful strength-