British Manly Exercises
286 T R A I N I N G . According tothis method, the pedestrian, whomay be supposed intolerable condition, enters upon histraining with a regular course of physic, which consists of three doses. Glauber's salts are generally preferred ; and from one ounce anda half to two ounces are takeneach time, with an intervalof four days between each dose. After having gone through the course of physic, he commences his regular exercise,which is gradually in creased as he proceeds in the training. When the object inview is the accomplishment of a pedestrian match, his regular exercise may be from twenty to twenty-four miles a day. He mustrise at five in the morning, run half a mile at the top of his speed up-hill, and then walk six miles at a moderate pace, coming in about seven to breakfast, which should consist of beef-steaks or mutton-chops under done, with stalebread and old beer. Afterbreakfast, he must again walk six miles at amode rate pace, and at twelve lie down in bed without his clothes forhalf an hour. On getting up, he must walk four miles, and return by four to dinner, which should also be beef-steaks or mut ton-chops, with bread and beer, as at breakfast. Immediately after dinner, he must resumehis exercise, by running halfa mile at the topof his speed, andwalk ing six miles at amoderate pace. He takes no more xercise for that day, but retires to bed about eight; and next morning proceeds in the same manner. Animal diet, it willbe observed, is, according to this
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