British Manly Exercises

4 GENERAL DIRECTIONS, 3d. Everythingis described in the simplest manner, and in as few wordsas possible—a mode much opposed to that of some works on this subject, the writer'sobject being to enable any one eitherto practise these exercises by himself, or to teach them to others. A comparisonwith the descriptionsof any othergeneral work will put this to the test. Indeed, those here given will, in most cases, be found to be so simple and clear as to be intelligible evenwithout a reference to the plates: let this be tried with other works. GENER/VL DIRECTIONS. It remains for us only to give a few directions as to the time, place, and circumstances of exercises. The best time for the elementaryexercises is when the airis cool, as even in summer it is earlyin the morning, or after the sun has declined ; and they should never im­ mediatelyfollow a meal. The best place for these elementary exercises is a smooth grass-plat, or a firm sandy sea-beach. Chasms, stones, and stakes,are always dangerous. At the commencement of such exercise, the coat and all unnecessaryclothes should be laid aside; and all hard or sharp thingsshould be taken from the pockets of the remainingdress. A very light covering on the head, as a straw hat, is best; the shirt-collar should be open; the breast should be eitherexposed, orthinly covered; the waistband of the trousers should not be tight; and the boots or shoes should have no ironabout them..