British Manly Exercises

GENERAL DIRECTIONS. As sudden transitions are alwaysbad, exercise should begin gently, and should terminate in the same manner. As the left hand and arm are commonly weakerthan the right, they should be exercised till they become as strong. The beingcooled too quickly is injurious. Therefore, drinking when very hot, or lying down on the cold ground, should be carefully avoided. No exertion should be carried to excess, as that only exhausts andenfeebles the body. Therefore, whenever the gymnast feelstired, or falls behind his usual mark? he should resume hisclothes, and walkhome. The moment exercise is finished, the clothes should always be put on, and the usual precautions adoptedto prevent takingcold. The necessary fittings-up of an exercising groundare a leaping stand, a vaulting horse, a balancing bar, a climbing stand, with ladders, poles, and ropes, which may be seen united as simply and economically as pos­ sible, in a subsequent sketch.