Cinder Path Tales

PADDY'S PROBATION 95 When I reached the door I hesitated a moment, wonderingif the manwas mad, and then tried to turn the key withmy left hand, holding the poker firmly inmy right. In this I was unsuccessful, so tightly wasthe door pressed by the frightened man outside. I shifted the poker tomy left hand, and put my shoulder against the door; there was the sharp click of the opening lock, andthe next second I was hurled like a bolt from a catapult by the heavy door. As I landed on my back, " Paddy the Leaper " appearedwith the suddennessof a "Jack-in-the-box." He slammed the door after him, threw the bolt with a single motion, and, slapping himself on the floor, pressed his broad back against thedoor, asif he feared the fastenings would not hold. For several seconds we n ither of usspoke, and a blooming tableau we must have been: both sitting bolt upright, our feet almost touching, Paddy's red face blanched and mottled with fear, and mine undoubtedly blank and vacant with surprise. Paddy's closely cropped red hair was always on end, and now, with the accompaniment of eyes., rolling half out of their sockets, and white, trembling lips, he was the very image of Fear. I could hardly believe my eyes, or that this was the same " Paddy the Bold" who was