Cinder Path Tales

30 CINDER-PATH TALES many of them. Then, again,this shot-put­ ting contest was for the pure love of the game, andwithout the selfish incentives of money, prize, or glory. There wasa running fire of good-natured chaff all the time, and at each "put," good, bad, or indifferent, the contestant wasguyed unmercifully for his style or distance. Fail­ ing this, some old personality was raked up, the allusion to which brought outno end of laughter and applause. It was an interesting scene, withplenty of variety and color. The men were mostly big, brawny fellows,with sleeveless flannel shirts of red, blue,or gray, openat the breast;and grime orrust couldnot hide thesplendid de­ velopment of arms, chests, and shoulders. The sun was warm and bright, and here and there a tin pail would catch the light, and shine as clear, I warrant, as ever the shield of a good knight, back in the old days when there were sterner sportsthan tossing an iron shot. Many a good man could I see, butat the game they were trying they had much to learn. 'Twas a case of " bull beef," andlittle more. I watched them a few minutes, but was about to move on when there appeared at the door of the foundry ayoung fellowwho caught my eye at once.