Cinder Path Tales

THE HOLLOW HAMMER 39 friends might show their hands first. This was easy enough, for Mac did all his work after supper in the vacant lot back of his house, where no one could pull a tape over his throws. It was prudent, also, for Mac­ Leod had very rigid ideas about betting (gambling he called it), andwould undoubt­ edly have protested, if he had not declined to show at all. Duffy's friendsbegan very cautiously with small figures, and I took all that showed through athird party. When one hundred dollars waspromptly covered, however, they made up their minds there was something else good, andbecame abit shy. I let them alone until the evening before the excursion, when I sallied into the Duffy neighborhood, and atone to two offered to pro­ duce aman weighing underone hundred and seventy pounds who would win against all. Now, a hammer-throwerof this weight is rare, and I foundall the money I cared to cover. Indeed, Iexceeded my limit atrifle. Then I wandered overto Mac's field, pulled the tape over his throw ofone hundred and eight, and went home and to sleep, fornot a grain of anxiety had I over the result. I doubt if I should have given five per cent, tobe insured a winner. The daydawned, fineand hot. We went