Cinder Path Tales

QUEERED THE "MILE" 63 Jack was a mighty nice boy, pleasant to every one, and a fine performer in almost all branches of sport. Black was about the same age as Harris, nearlytwenty, and,un­ like Harris, was tall and dark, and rather surly and superior. They were both to leave for college at the end of the year, con­ sidered themselvesmen grown, and cherished a mighty strong liking for little Kitty. They were equally anxious to win the "mile," and to this endhad trained very conscientiously, breaking the tape in the sight of Kitty's bright eyes being, after all, the strongest incentive. I talked quite freely with the little girl, for she reminded me of old Lancashire, and she on her part took no particular care to conceal the fact that she should like very much to see Jack Harris win. As the days went by I took special pains with Jack, buthough he improved nicely he could not quite reachBlack, andas the time of the contests approached I could giveKitty no encouragement, much as I should have liked to do so. The very night before the games I went into the store and, in a swer toher question, told her plainlythat unless Black was taken suddenly ill, he would certainly best Jack, and that from all reports Harris wasjust as