Cinder Path Tales
64 HOW KITTY sure of second place, as the other academy had only moderate talent to offer in the " mile." " And would Jack win, then, if Black was out of it, or a bit off ? " sheasked, with a little trembleof disappointment in her voice. I answered that a race was never won until the tape broke, and the judges had given their decision, but that it certainly looked that way;and while Kittywas weigh ing out some peppermints to an old lady, with an ounce of smiles for which she did not charge, I passed quietly throughthe ice cream parlor intoMr. Holden's little den in the rear. Holden and I were quite cronies by this time; we often chatted together of an evening, and I dropped quite naturally into a rocking-chair near the door, which was ajar, and through which I could get a good viewof the store without being myself observed. He was reading the " Boston Globe " with the aidof his glasses, his pipe, anda pitcher of hard cider. He filled me a glass of the last, pushed the tobacco-jar across the table toward me, and handed me the sporting half of the paper withouta word. I took a drink, lit my pipe, and pretended to read the paper, keeping a close watch on the front shop meanwhile.
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