Cinder Path Tales
66 HOW KITTY following after. I suppose that's what you'll do to-morrow." "Notlikely," he answered f ankly; "Black is yards better, and unless he has a stroke of paralysis inthe stretch, I shall have the pleasure of following him in, and must con tent myself with second place or worse." "Oh, Jack," said Kitty, " I wish you could win ; you must win.Can't Ihelp youin some way ?" " I don't know how," he answered, " unless you can furnish me a pair of legs as long and as good as Black's, and they arehard to find." "Don't joke," said Kitty, with a look of reproach. " If I were you I'd beat him without any legs, I'd get ahead, and stay there if it killed me." There was in this just a hint of reflection on the boy's courage, but it was given in such good heart, thathe could not take offence, and he laughed in rather a forced way and said, I supposeI am an awfulduffer not to be able to call the trick, for I have worked my best, and not thrown away a singlechance. The truth is that Black is a better man at the distance, hasbeen as careful as myself, and is not likely to take any liberties with himself until the race is over.I sawhim a little while ago, andhe was looking ' out ofsight.'"
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