Cinder Path Tales
68 HOW KITTY matter forme, some ofmy best friends whom I had handled on big college teams were anxious for them to win, had considered the matter well-nighsettled when they had pre vailed onme to take them on, and I had been very strict and painstaking in my handling of them. I was naturally provoked that Black should openlydisobey instructions, and I sat back inmy chair to watch developments. I do not rememberwhat Black said, but he made an efforto be agreeable which wasnot particularly successful. There was some thing abouthis manner indicating condescen sion, whichwas not at all pleasing toKitty's democratic spirit. She very promptly took him to task for being out after hours, and with a verydifferent tone from that used when reproving JackHarris. " I don't mean to be dictated toby any old played-out martinet of a trainer," said he gruffly. " It is all well enough for those who have nosure thing. I saw Harris going to his room fifteen minutes ago, but I'll sleep when I like, and beat himthen." At this veryfoolish and boasting remark, involving alsoa reflection on Jack's prowess, I could see Kitty's eyes flash,and her cheeks redden, andthen there cameover her facea very peculiar expression of determination I could not at all understand. She changed
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