Cinder Path Tales
7 2 HOW KITTY which were over on the other side of the little town. The widestreet waswell dotted with carriages, and the sidewalks crowded with townspeople, country folk, and a liberal sprinkling of the supporters of the rival academy. Most of the mill-hands wereout, and the rattle of the looms was subdued, half of them being silent. I threaded my way through the mob as best I could, for, every few feet, some one would buttonhole me to ask a fool question. Then again, did you ever notice how much harder it is to work your way through a crowd of country people than one of equal density in the city? There is a sluggishness and inertness very different from the quick movements of those whose feet are accus tomed to tread city paves. However, when I got beyond the shopping quarter, where the dwelling-houses began, the streets were free enough, andI crossed over to the south side, the day being warm, and the shadeof the elms grateful. I was pass ing Holden's store, whenKitty appeared in the doorway, as if by accident, andwith a very pretty look of mingled surprise and pleasure. She looked as if she had just arrived from Arcadia, or had stepped out of a Dresden dish, with her fresh muslin figured with little spraysof flowers, a big hat
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