Cinder Path Tales
PADDY THE LEAPER'S PROBATION P ATRICK O'MALLEY is to-day as much a fixture of the cinder-path as one of the posts atthe finish. And yet, strange as it may seem, he attained his present hon orable position only after a long and trying probation. He won his spurs by enduring patiently and successfully such tests and trials as would have discouragedmany abrave knight of old. In fact, had Paddy lived in the days when a stout heart and a strong arm were the two best cards in the game of life, he would have been the king of Ireland at least. Now, if in telling this tale I occasionally make a clumsy effortto be funny, besure it is with the most respectful intentions toward Mr. O'Malley, who is perhaps the best friend I have on earth, barring none. Indeed, he will laugh more heartily than any other when he reads abouthimself in this book. Pat put in his first appearance early in the
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