Cinder Path Tales
86 CINDER-PATH TALES I i fli ! \h > hundred yards inthe mile I'll give him, and not a fut less !" At this very bold and sweeping proposi tion, Mitchell expressed his surprise and approval. He agreed to act as Paddy's representative, and arranged for a match that very evening; the distance a quarter, Pat to concede twenty-five yards to his unknown antagonist, and the prize was understood to be " that job." There wasa heap of fun at the noon-hour in trying Pat with an old running-suit and a pair of spiked shoes; but his feet were too large to be fitted, and he demurred at the scanty clothing in a fit of modesty which was side-splitting. When the six o'clockbell rang hedropped the handle of the heavy roller at which he had been pulling for several hours, kicked off his shoes, and took his place atthe mark. Now, it must not be thought that I was in any wayconnected with these practicaljokes, for they were kept from my ears as much as possible. Only inPaddy's last and crowning test was I at all concerned, and then not with malice aforethought. On the evening when Paddy first showed his paces onthe track I didarrive just before he started, and had more than half a mind to stop thecontest. I saw they had Tom Fur-
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