Coaching and Care of Athletes

PLATE XIV MORE WORLD-BEATERS FIG . 42. ]. Torrance, U.S.A., height 6ft. 6 ins.; weight 22 stone; world's shot-put record-holder at 57 ft. r in. FIG. 44. K Kotkas, Finland, height 6ft. 5 ins.; weight r siJ: stone; high jump, 6ft. 8 ins.; shot, 50ft.; discus, r68 ft. zt ins. FIG. 43· D. G. A. Lowe, Great Britain, 8oo metres champion and record-holder in r 924 and r gz8. F IG. 45· W. Schroder, Germany, world's . discus record-holder a t I74 ft. zt ins. g6