Coaching and Care of Athletes

TESTING THE ABILITY OF ATHLETES tween the number of steps which have given the two foregoing results. R2-Rl For this purpose one uses the formula R=E E (E-E1)R1. 2- 1 In this case R is the ratio required; R 1 the ratio corresponding to E 1 ; R 2 the ratio corresponding to E 2 ; E the number of steps corresponding to R; E 1 the less intense exercise; and E 2 the more intense exercise. By further experimentation it will be found that if the heart is normal the calculated and experimental ratios will coincide. But if the ascertained ratios vary more than o·o5, then re-exami– nation of the athlete's heart by a doctor should at once take place. Most English coaches, I suppose, will be surprised to learn that in the United States during the last few years scientists have worked out the development of a reliable endurance index which will at any time during training allow the coach to find ou_t the endurance quality of either the individual athlete or a team of athletes as a whole. This endurance index is based on the responsiveness of the heart to graded exercise of definite intensity. Again the test is carried out by stool-stepping to produce a pulse-ratio of 2·5o. Here is a brief summary of the index. Sixteen to I 8 steps should produce a pulse-ratio of 2·50, which gives an endurance index of g·8o. Carry this on up to 26 or 27 steps for the same pulse-ratio, giving an endurance index of g·6o, and those who fall within this index are below the average of endurance. The average itself is struck when 28 or 29 stool steps produce a pulse-ratio of 2·50 and an endurance index of 3·55. Above that, from go to 32 steps, producing the required ratio and an index of g·50, to 44 or 46 steps, producing the required ratio and an index of g·2o, the coach will have a set of athletes who are above the average of endurance. If the coach .by means of the endurance tests k€eps a constant eye on his charges he will .obviously be in a position to determine their schedule of training, because he will know which of them rise above and which fall below the average of endurance. He will also, during the competition season, be able to see how his men are maintaining their fitness under the stress of competition. Coaches, especially British coaches, may think that this testing of athletes as to their probabilities of performance by scientific 135