Coaching and Care of Athletes

SPRINTING Friday, but in this other coaches may not agree with me. If the season is such that Friday is not going to be a preliminary-heat competition day, then some light work may be done, but it should be very light indeed, and my preference is still for making Friday a complete rest-day. Saturday should see the athlete taking part in a competition, or, failing that, he should go through a full dress rehearsal for his event. The following schedule is suggested for the individual athlete whom the coach may be training for a particular event: Monday. Jog 440 yds. at quarter effort. Mter a brief rest spend 5 mins~ in body-bending and stretching exercises. Then skip or jog lightly on the toes for a minute or two, before digging the starting– holes and taking two practice starts of 30 yds., each at just under full effort. Rest a minute or two, while the finishing-posts are being put up 30 yds.. away from the starting-holes, and then take four starts at almost full speed, running the 30 yds. and breasting the tape with a full drive. Finish off by swinging through 220 yds. once, with a nice, free stride. Tuesday. Jog 300 yds. with all muscles nicely relaxed. Then spend 5 mins. in body-bending and stretching exercises. Go to the track, prepare your starting-holes very carefully, and, after one or two practice starts, run a 100 yds. time trial twice. When this has been done the coach should talk over with the athlete any faults he may have shown, and should then give him a couple of starts, with a 30 yds. run at under full power, for fault correction, and then two or three starts with the gun, to see that he is correlating his efforts properly. Finish off with a speed burst, running for 100 yds. The athlete should travel the first 50 yds. at just under full power. He should then relax and coast the next 40 yds., and finish out the last 10 yds. to the ·finishing-tape at full effort. He may then cool down by jogging an easy 300 yds., after which he should get his shower– bath and massage. Wednesday.' Jog 440 -yds., and then do 5 mins. of bending and stretching exercises, followed by four starts from the holes without the gun at just under full power, and then three fast starts with the gun. Finish off by jogging an easy 300 yds. Take a shower, followed by long, fairly deep massage. Thursday. Commence the practice with some light skipping and then 5 mins. of body-bending and stretching exercises. Take a breather, and then go to the track and practise running 220 yds. round a curve twice at well under half effort. This can be followed by a couple of starts without the gun: and then by four starts with the gun at not quite full effort. Finish off with a nice, easy striding run of 150 yds. The shower-bath and massage should follow. When N 193