Coaching and Care of Athletes

THE QUARTER-MILE AND 400 METRES bath and the massage must follow each practice. The massage should be fairly light on Mondays and Tuesdays, strongest on Wednesdays, and midway between the two on Thursdays. Here are the schedules, which, of course, the coach will vary to suit the requirements of the individual athletes: Penultimate Week Monday. Two starts without the gun, followed by 400 yds., vary– ing the effort-from half to three-quarters to practise pace-changing. Rest. Go to the track again, and have the athlete run 220 yds., taking the first two corners with concentration on cornering. Rest. Jog 220 yds. to cool down. Tuesday. Two starts at just under full effort with~ut the gun. Four starts at full effort with the gun. 75 yds. time trial. Jog 220 yds. to cool down. Wednesday. 300 yds. with long, free striding at about three– quarter effort. Rest. Run 220 yds. at three-quarter effort around the first two curves of the track, concentrating upon cornering. Jog 300 yds. to cool down. Thursday. Mter full limbering up run a 75 yds. time trial. Jog 220 yds. to cool down, and, if necessary, pr'actise a few starts without the gun. Friday. Rest. Saturday. Swing through 355 yds. for pace-changing, varying the effort from three-quarters to seven-eighths. Rest for 20 mins. Limber up again, take a couple of easy starts, and then run a 300 yds. time trial at seven-eighths effort. Final Week Monday. Swing through 400 yds., pace-changing from half to three– quarter effort. Do this practice in the sweat suit. Three starts without the gun at under full effort. Three starts with the gun at full effort., 50 yds. at seven-eighths effort to finishing-tape. Cool off with a 220 yds. jog. Tuesday. For athletes who -need starting practice three starts under full effort without the gun, followed by two starts at nearly full effort with the gun. These athletes will then run 150 yds. at three-quarter effort. For the athletes who do· not need starting practice it would be well to practise cornering over 220 yds. around the first two curves of the track. - · Wednesday. Either rest or take an easy 2-mile stroll at about 4t miles per hour. Thursday. Rest. Friday. Rest. 223