Coaching and Care of Athletes

THE HALF-MILE AND 8oo METRES holding his speed. Rest a bit, and then have the man stride through 300 yds. at about half effort twice, paying particular attention to loose, easy striding. Friday. Jog an easy mile, rest a bit, and then have your athlete stride through roo yds. at three-quarter effort three times. Saturday. Start the day with 440 yds. easy striding; then have the man run 75 yds. at almost full speed, timed by the watch. Let him trot 8oo yds. at an easy pace in his sweat suit to finish off the day's work. Alternatively an 88o yds. time trial may be run at three– quarter ·effort, with particular attention being paid to level-pace running. N.B. The coach, of course, will see that the athlete limbers up daily in accordance with the limbering-up practice that suits him best, cools down similarly afterwards, and also gets his shower-bath and massage. The massage should be light on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays, fairly heavy on Wednesdays, and a little lighter on Thursdays, with long, steady, soothing massage on Saturdays. MID-SEASON TRAINING (For the athlete pointing for a particular championship) By the second week of the month of mid-season training the individual athlete's schedule will be somewhat as follows: Monday. Run r mile, travelling the first! mile at just over an easy jog and the last 440 yds. with a nice, loose, swinging stride at about half effort. . Mter a rest have the man stride through a furlong at three-quarter effort, paying particular attention to cornering. Tuesday. Stride through an easy 66o yds. Then run 88o yds. at under full effort, timed by the stop-watch. After a rest give the man three sprints of 50 yds. each at just under full effort, and finish off the day's training with an easy striding 300 yds., run at about half effort. Wednesday. Send the man for a mile at about quarter effort, preliminary to running him 75 yds. at three-quarter effort three times, with special attention to the correction of faults. Thursday. After a preliminary half-mile at an easy jog let the man run 66o yds., taking the first 440 yds. at three-quarter effort and the last furlong at almost full effort, to be checked by the stop– watch. Give him half an hour's rest, and then send him 66o yds. at three-quarter effort as training in level-pace running, his time over each furlong being checked by the stop-watch. Friday. Start the man with an 88o yds. jog, and then send him 75 yds. twice at three-quarter effort, to allow you to check his faults. Finish off with an easy striding furlong at about half effort. 235