Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF ATHLETES On Saturday the man can take part in either a 440 yds. race or a time trial, but should be told that, win or lose, he must keep his effort down to about seven-eighths, and pay particular attention to level-pace running. If you do not want him to do a time trial or run a race, then send him 300 yds. jogging to limber up, and give him two starts with the gun at just under full effort. Then rest him a little before sending him 66o yds. at seven-eighths effort for level-pace running, his time over each furlong being checked by the stop-watch. FINAL, OR CoMPETITIVE, SEASON oF TRAINING For the final stage of training I am going to suggest a schedule for the last two weeks, as these are all-important in the tapering-off process. In the third and fourth weeks of the month of final training, therefore, the schedules will be somewhat as follows: Penultimate Week Monday. Jog 88o yds., followed by a couple of furlongs, run at just under full effort, and an easy jog of! mile. Tuesday. Open up again with an 88o yds. 'jog, and again test the man in level-pace running and pace judgment by sending him ! mile at half effort, his time being checked by the stop-watch at each furlong. After a rest give him a time trial of 50 yds., to see how he is starting, and repeat the practice. Finish off with an easy striding run of 440 yds. Wednesday. Again open up with a half-mile jog, and send your man 440 yds. at seven-eighths effort for level-pace running, checking his speed at each furlong. He can then, after a rest, run 50 yds. once at almost full effort, and finish off by striding easily 200 or 300 yds. Thursday. Open up again with the half-mile jog, followed by 440 yds. at seven-eighths effort for level-pace running, checked at each furlong with the stop-watch. After half an hour's rest repeat the above practice, but at 66o yds. Friday. After the opening jog of half a mile let the man stride through a furlong twice at three-quarter effort, and then run 50 yds. at seven-eighths effort twice. · Saturday. There should be no race, but open up with striding t mile easily. Then have him run 50 yds. out of the holes, making him start over the first 20 yds. at about" three-quarter effort, putting in the next IO yds. at full effort, anc!_ dropping to stridipg again at half effort for the final 20 yds. After a rest and proper limbering 236 ./