Coaching and Care of Athletes

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF MODERN RECORDS one man can be equalled, and possibly surpassed, by other athletes who are prepared to train as faithfully to achieve the object which they have in mind . When all is said and done, however, the main contributory factor to modern record-breaking is the work of the athletic coach, who gives his mind to his business and is prepared to abandon methods he may long have cherished in favour of others which are more efficient, and therefore likely to produce better results. Many people have argued in the past that America is pre-eminent in track and field athletics because that country has a far larger constituency of athletes than any other. It has been said also that athletics, as much as baseball, is the national pastime of youth in the United States. But it is also true to postu– late that America has a far larger body of first-class coaches than any other country, and it is my firm belief that it is to the work of these coaches that America owes that phenomenal success which has been maintained in an unbroken sequence since the Olympic Games were revived in the year r8g6 at Athens. ~5