Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF ATHLETES EARLY-SEASON TRAINING (For a miler pointing for a special competition) Monday. Send him ! mile at three-quarter effort, followed by 88o yds. at half effort. Tuesday. Run 440 yds. at quarter effort, 300 yds. striding easily at half effort, and, after a rest, a striding run of 200 yds., again at three-quarter effort. Finish off with an easy three-quarter-mile jog. Wednesday. Start with a three-quarter-mile jog, and then give him some 40 yds. sprinting practice at about three-quarter effort. Two to three sprints will be enough. Ease off with a half-mile jog. Thursday. , Open with a half-mile jog, followed by 440 yds. of burst running, prior to a fairly fast t mile. Friday. Rest. Saturday. Open with a three-quarter-mile jog, and let the man swing through t mile with a nice, free stride. ...MID-SEASON TRAINING (For a miler pointing for a special competition) Monday. Open with a 440 yds. jog, followed by 440 yds. at three– quarter effort level-pace running checked by the watch. Rest, and followwith another 440 yds. level-pace running, checked by the watch, at seven-eighths effort. Cool off with a three-quarter-mile jog. Tuesday. Send him rt miles for an easy jog, but have him pay particular attention to varying his striding. Wednesday. After an opening jog of 440 yds. send your man t mile at seven-eighths effort for level-pace running checked by the watch. Rest him, and let him stride through a very easy t mile to cool down. Thursday. Commence with a 440 yds. jog, and then send your man for three-quarters of a mile, varying the !?triding, at half effort. Friday. Rest. Saturday. Have him run an 88o yds. time trial at full effort, or a mile race, in which he should be told not to exceed seven-eighths effort. FINAL, OR CoMPETITIVE, SEASON oF TRAINING (For a miler pointing for a special competition) The last two weeks will be given, as these represent the final tapering-off process prior to competition. Penultimate Week Monday. Send the athlete rt miles at half effort. Tuesday. After some limbering-up exercises and light jogging send 248