Coaching and Care of Athletes

THE MILE AND rsoo METRES him 440 yds. at seven-eighths effort for level-pace running checked by the watch. Let him swing through a fast 88o yds. walk, or a 66o yds. jog. Then send him a mile jog, with concentration on even striding, balanced arm action, and body carriage. Wednesday. Mter a 440 yds. jog give your man two or three 40 yds. starts at seven-eighths effort. Then let him run a fast 40 yds., followed, after a rest, by a 50 yds. dash at seven-eighths effort. Thursday. Mter limbering him up send him a mile at seven– eighths effort level-pace running checked by the watch. Friday. Rest. Saturday. Mter limbering up give the athlete a three-quarter– mile trial at seven-eighths effort, with his attentioiil concentrated on level-pace running checked by the stop-watch. Final Week Monday. Send your man for an easy! mile at about three-quarter effort level-pace running checked by the watch. Tuesday. Send him a mile at half effort. Wednesday. Either let him rest or send him 440 yds. •at seven- eighths -effort, again for level-pace running checked by the watch. Thursday. Rest. Friday. Rest. . Saturday. 1 Special competition for ..Jhich the man has been training. On each day of practice the man willlimqer up according to the system which suits him best, and will ease down similarly after the day's work. He will then get his shower-bath and massage. The massage should be light on Mondays and Tuesdays and strongest on Wednesdays. On Thursdays the treatment should be lighter than on Wednesdays, but rather stronger than on Mondays and Tuesdays. Now let us see what sort of training schedule the coach should work to when handling a whole team of athletes, which will include a certain proportion of milers. At the commencement of the preliminary-season training the coach should teach his novices all about the events they are going to take up, and should discuss with , the more experienced men the previous season's work and the indications of the success they may h.ave enjoyed or the failure they have sustained. This should be a period with plenty of callisthenic, form, strengthening, sup– pling, and agility exercises. It is a good ti!I).e to rub in the lessons 1 Saturday, of course, will be a routine day, when the coach will supervise all the athlete's preparation, dietary, and so on. 249