Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF ATHLETES by showing cinematograph pictures where possible, and the telling of stories in relation to great heroes of the track will also be useful to inspire the men to emulation and to prepare them for the inevitable disappointments which will come along. It is a time also for hardening out the feet and hands and for doing the early jogging which will prevent the danger of 'shin~splints.' Injuries to athletes and their treatment may also be discussed, and the value of massage to the particular athlete will probably be dis– covered by the treatment he is given at this period. Where the milers are concerned it is valuable to experiment with various types ofrunning, and particularly with the planting down on the ground of the foot of the leading leg at the conclusion of the stride. The men should be encouraged to try out themselves the method of landing on the ball of the foot without letting down the heel. Then follow this up with a practice in which the athlete runs on the ball of the foot, but lets his heel touch the ground lightly. The next method they can try is still running on the .ball of the foot, butJetting the heel come down firmly on to the track. Next t_~ey may try the flat-footed landing, and follow this up by the Finnish style of planting the heel down first and rolling forward on to the ball .of the foot and, finally, up on to the toes. Each man can relate his personal experiences to the coach, and the whole question ·can then be discussed as to which type of foot-planting each is going to use. Similarly, points in connection with arm carriage, body angle, the disposition of the head, and so on can be usefully discussed in the preliminary-training period. The actual work in this period would be somewhat as follows: Monday. Run 2 miles at a light jog, varying the striding. Tuesday. Rest. Wednesday. Run an easy t mile for level pace, timed by the stop– watch. Thursday. Run a mile at level pace, timed by the stop-watch, but not beyond half effort. Friday. Rest. Saturday. Run ! mile at half effort and level pace, timed by the stop-watch. On Tuesday and Friday the men may, if the coach thinks it desirable, do some special exercises, deep breathing, body-bending and stretching, etc., in the gymnasium.