Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF ATHLETES starting position accordingly. Reverse the position of his feet in the starting-holes if necessary. . When you have got th.e athlete's approach run to the first flight settled, measure and record the exact length of each of the first two strides out of the holes. Do not allow your hurdler to shorten these initial strides when he trains with the sprinters. If his take-off for clearance does not come right on the seventh or eighth stride make the necessary adjustment in stride-length in the first, second, third, and possibly fourth strides out of the starting-holes. The athlete must be comfortably settled into his running action during the four strides immediately preceding the take-off for clearance of the first hurdle. Technique is taught best in the following sequence: Hurdlers leading with left leg over each fence: Right arm, left leg, body-dip from hips, left-leg chop-down, 01,1tward and upward lift of right leg, body position, left-arm action, pick-up of right knee. (.N.B. Read 'right' for 'left' for athletes who lead over hurdles with the right leg.) Concentrate· on teaching the athlete to lift his leading foot as high as he can, to keep his chin in a.dvance of the knee ofhis leading leg, to get his trunk over his leading leg and the hand opposite to the leading leg well forward and slightly down, and to keep his eyes looking straight ahead just above his own line of hurdles. _ In developing the limbering-up process, experiment with 'shacking,' during which the depth of intertidal breathing and the heart-rate are improved, while the natural viscosity of the muscles is lessened. Plan the general training for speed, stamina, balance, rhythm, relaxation, and co-ordination. Special training is required to induce the mobility of the hip-joints and the lumbar region of the spine, and for the development of certain muscles especially requirec). in the technique of hurdling. Analytical training plays an important part in the coach's task in building up the hurdler's technique in clearance. Commence with the following exercises and practices: (I) 'Three right angles' hurdling position on ground. Bend forward from hips and touch toes of forward foot with fingers of opposite hand. 292