Coaching and Care of Athletes

HURDLING (2) Legs wide apart in standing position, grip ankles· with hands, and lower body until head touches ground. (3) Sitting with legs wide apart, bend forward and touch toes of right foot with left hand, then toes of left foot with right hand. (4) Sitting with legs straight to the front, grip ankles and pull trunk forward and down. (5) Place knee of leading leg on top ~ail of hurdle, gripping top rail with hands. Bend rear leg. (6) Standing sideways to hurdle, plac~ lower part of rear leg along top rail, keep other leg upright, and bend for– ward, touching ground with hands. (See Plate XXVIII, Fig. 79·) Continue with, or intersperse, the following technical training practices. The essential pivotal action in hurdle clearance is secured by co-ordinating the chop-down of the leading leg with the upward and sideways lift of the rear leg. Develop this pivotal action by the following stages : (a) Clearance of a g-ft. hurdle while the hands are placed on the top rail as support. This practice should be done first from a stationary position, then at a walk. The athlete walks slowly up to the hurdle, passing the leading leg, with knee partly flexed, over the top rail, grasps the top rail with both hands to take his weight, and rocks forward on to foot of leading leg. Simultaneously he raises knee of rear leg upward and sideways, and brings it through to the front in a rotary movement. (b) Same practice as (a) from a stationary position without the support of the hands resting on the top rail of the hurdle. (c) Teach hurdler to run over a bar at I ft., I ft. 6 ins., 2 ft ., and 2ft. 6 ins. above ground, using a natural bound from one foot to the other. Do not allow him to introduce hurdling form in this practice. (d) Teach actual clearance technique over 3 ft., 3 ft. 3 ins., and 3 ft. 6 ins. progressively, bearing in mind the following principles : (i) Lift leading foot as high as possible, keeping leg partly flexed .at knee. (ii) Start chop-down when leading foot is I 2 ins. away from top rail. (iii) Keep chin ahead of leading knee. 293