Coaching and Care of Athletes

HURDLING of the hurdling form exercises in the gymnasium each Tuesday and Thursday during the preliminary-training period will have paved the way. If possible the early-training period should last two months. During the first of these two months the training should be done on good, firm turf. If this advice is followed the athlete is unlikely to develop shin-splints, and will avoid painful cinder-bums when he falls-as fall he will and must. A swing-gate type of hurdle should be used in this stage of training. The second week of the first month of early training must be kept free ·of hurdling. Say, jog an easy 440 yds., followed by a fast I 20 yds. sprint on Monday, stride through a swinging 440 yds. on Wednesday, and take a free-striding, well-balanced run of 300 yds. on Saturday. During this month Tuesdays and Thursdays are reserved for exercises, either in the gymnasium or out of doors, according to the weather. If the athletes are working out of doors let them do some high and long jumping as well as the exercises. Friday throughout these two months is to be a rest-day, with long, slow massage. In each practice over hurdles make the athlete concen– trate on some particular point in technique which you wish him to master. Here is a suggestion for the other three days in the third week of the first month of early training: First Month Monday. Jog 440 yds. 5 mins. of bending and stretching. Starting practice without gun over two hurdles at seven-eighths effort twice. 5 mins. of hurdling exercises. Run over three hurdles at three– quarter effort three times. ·Wednesday. Stride through 220 yds. at half effort. 5 mins. of bend– ing and stretching. Starting practice over two hurdles at three– quarter effort four times. 5 mins. of hurdling exercises. Run over four hurdles at three-quarter effort twice. Saturday. Jog 440 yds. Star.ting practice over two hurdles at seven– eighths effort twice. 3 mihs. of bending and stretching. Ruh over five hurdles at quarter effort twice, taking five strides between flights if necessary. 5 mins. of hurdling exercises. Run over five hurdles at three-quarter effort. Second Month The hurdlers should now be ready to start training on cinders. The first week of this month should be left free of hurdling. Keep 297