Coaching and Care of Athletes

HURDLING Thursday. 5 mms. of bending and stretching exercises. Jog 440 yds. Friday. Rest. Long, slow massage. Saturday. Limber up in accordance with usual practice. Ten hurdles time trial or heat in competition. Rest i hour, or as long as allowed. Massage. Limber up again. Ten hurdles time trial or final of competition. Jog 440 yds. Massage. FINAL, oR CoMPETITIVE, SEASON oF TRAINING In this ·month the tapering-off process will be done, leading up to the principal competition for which training has been under– taken. Here is a suggestion for the last two weeks of this month: Penultimate Week Monday. Stride through 220 yds. 3 mins. of bending and stretch– ing. Run over three hurdles at half effort twice. 3 mins. of hurdling exercises. Run over five hurdles at three-quarter effort. Jog 220 yds. Tuesday. Rest or swing through an easy 220 yds. Wednesday. Limber up as usual. Run over ten hurdles, the first three at three-quarter effort, the next four at half effort, and the last three at three-quarter effort. 3 mins. of hurdling exercises. Run over seven hurdles, the first three at half effort, the next four w€11 relax:ed at quarter effort. Jog 300 yds. Thursday. Rest. , . ·'Friday. Rest. Saturday. Limber up as usual. Run ten hurdles time trial. Rest ~s long as you will be allowed between heats and final of competition for which you are training, and get massage. Limber up again. un ten hurdles time trial. Jog 440 yds. Final Week Monday. Limber up as usual. Run over five hurdles at five– eighths effort. 3 mins. of hurdling exercises. Run over five hurdles at seven-eighths effort. Jog 440 yds. Tuesday. Limber up as usual. Starting practice over three hurdles at three-quarter effort twice (with gun). 3 mins. ofhurdling exercises. Starting practice over three hurdles at full effort twice (with gun). Jog 220 yds. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Rest and light massage. Saturday. Principal competition for which the athlete has been trained. 299