Coaching and Care of Athletes

HURDLING Friday. Rest. Massage. Saturday. Fast walk for 2 miles, jogging r oo yds. in each t mile. N.B. In the second month of preliminary training starting practice over one and, later, two hurdles may be introduced. EARLY-SEASON TRAINING After one or, better still, two months coaches should put their hurdlers into the second, or early-season, period of training. During this month, the athlete's style should become stabilized, and also. the stride pattern which enables him to reach the correct take-off spot in front of the first flight in a set number of strides. Speed and stamina-building must now be combined by practices in which the athlete runs 300 to 400 yds. on the flat, plus a further r6o yds. over three hurdles. This partieular practice is designed to give the athlete the necessary stamina to hold his form over the last three hurdles at the actual 440 yds. hurdling distance. There should also be practice in running at one hurdle from varying distances, so that the athlete may learn to adjust his striding to his take-off when tired, the adjustment being made four or five strides before the take-off spot. Steady, even striding must be cultivated by runs with long, fast strides. Here is a suggestion for a week's work, each work-out to start with the athlete's normal limbering-up process : Monday. Run at one hurdle at three-quarter effort from varying distances four times. Run 120 yds. over two hurdles at half effort twice. Run two time trials, with half an hour's rest between, of 240 yds. over five hurdles. Compare times carefully. Run 350 yds. with long, fast strides. Tuesday. Run 500 yds. at three-quarter effort, with even striding. Spend half an hour in gymnasium doing hurdling and agility exer– Cises. Wednesday. Run at one hurdle at three-quarter effort from varying distances four times. Starting practice over one hurdle four times at seven-eighths effort. Run 400 yds. on the flat, and carry on over three hurdles, at three-quarter effort throughout. Jog 66o yds. Thursday. Work with the sprinters. Run 88o yds. at three-quarter effort, with steady, even striding. Friday. Rest. Massage. Saturday. Run 120 yds. over two hurdles, concentrating on form and speed in approach run and run-in. Run at one hurdle from varying distances six times at half effort. Run 280 yds. over six 3 1 5