Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF ATHLETES hurdles at three-quarter effort twice. Rest for half an hour, and repeat the practice. Compare times carefully. Jog 500 yds. with even striding. Mm-sEASON TRAINING Minor competitions will be taking place in this period, but should be regarded merely as time trials. In this period also the coach should watch for and correct faults which may, and probably will, appear when his athletes are first submitted to the strain of full time trials and minor competitions, which ~hould take place on each Saturday in the month. A week's work might be planned as follows: Monday. Limber up. Run 120 yds. over two hurdles twice at half effort. Run two time trials of 240 yds. over five hurdles twice. Rest for half an hour between trials, and compare times carefully. Stride through 240 yds. at half effort. Tuesday. Limber up. Work with sprinters. Run 350 yds. with a long, fast stride. Wednesday. Limber up. Run 280 yds. over six hurdles at three– quarter effort. Rest. Run 440 yds. on flat, and carry on over two hurdles, practice to be at three-quarter effort. Jog 66o yds. Thursday. Limber up. Work with sprinters. Run 66o yds. with steady, even striding. Evening: Do hurdling and agility exercises in gymnasium. Friday. Rest. Massage. Saturday. Limber up. Heats and final of competition or two full time trials, with half an hour's rest between. Compare times care– fully. Evening: Long, deep, restful massage. FINAL, OR COMPETITIVE, SEASON OF TRAINING The tapering off of the intermediate hurdler who is pointing to a particular competition must be carefully handled. A suggestion for the two all-important final weeks follows. Each day's work is to commence with the athlete's personal limbering-up process: Penultimate. Week Monday. Run r 20 yds. over two hurdles at half effort three times. Run 240 yds. over five hurdles at three-quarter effort twice. Run 350 yds. with long, fast strides. Tuesday. Run an easy 66o yds. with steady, even striding. Long, deep massage before bed.