Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF ATHLETES inclined slightly forward from the hips. Let him practise running with the pole, but if he is a left-footed vaulter make him always take the first stride with the right leg, and vice versa. When he has become accustomed to the feel of the pole begin to teach him pole-planting. Put him in the take-off position, arranging him by hand, so that his take-off foot is directly under his hands or from 6 ins. to I ft. behind a plumb-line dropped from the hands. Now have him take a stride backward with his right leg and a half-stride with his left leg, to bring his legs level. He is standing now with feet together .and the pole at the carry position at his right side. Tell him to direct the point of the pole down towards the stop-board at the end of the slideway. He then steps forward on to his left foot, and raises his right knee, at the same time plant– ing the pole-point at the base of the stop-board by raising and pushing forward the shaft with an upward and outward rotation, from the shoulder, of the right elbow, as demonstrated by Corn– stock in Plate XXXIV, Fig. 99· Pole-planting should be practised with one step, then at a walk, and then at a trot, without any attempt being made to leave the ground. To accustom the athlete to getting off the ground set the crossbar at about 3 ft., and place the point of the pole in the slideway against the base of the stop-board. Have the athlete stand beyond the tip of the pole, holding it lightly between his hands, which should be touching each other. Tie a handkerchief round the pole directly above the take-off spot. The athlete must now run lightly forward, letting the pole-shaft slide through his hands. When his hands reach the spot marked by the handker– chief he must consolidate a firm grip and swing up his legs and body. You will assist him by pulling the pole to a vertical position, as shown in Plate XXXIV, Fig. IOO. At the English Summer School for Athletes last year we got a I4-stone, forty-year-old R.A.F. staff sergeant to clear 7ft. in this way. The next three practices take care of the pull-up, knee-lift, and swing. The pole should be planted firmly upright in the sand at the edge of the landing~pit, with the crossbar placed at 2ft. ·and raised progressively. The standards are pushed out I ft. from the take– off edge of the pit. The athlete grips the pole with hands touch- 332