Coaching and Care of Athletes

PLATE XLI ' F. A. M. WebsteF R. W. Landon, U.S.A. ]. P. Metcalfe, Australia CLEARANCE FORM G. B. Spitz, U.S.A. R. W. Landon, U.S.A. FIG. 122. The final back-kick of the tal<e-off leg lifts the hip-line clear of the bar in the straddle st yle. FIGS. 123- 126. The Eastern Cut-off style. Note the turning of the feet for control (Fig. 123); the dropping of the right arm, the sweep of the take-off leg, and the inward curve of the right foot, with the toes pointed to raise the right hip (Fig. 124); the complete lay-out (Fig. 125); and the drop of the free leg, with the take-off leg still held high (Fig. 126). Note th a t Eastern style jumpers watch t he bar. ) 345